✞ All I want,

I want to be your God

✞ All I want, I want to be your God

All I want, I want to be your God






"All I want, I want to be your God
All I want from you, pathetic soul..."

Welcome to VLG, the TAFL approved fanlisting for Okinaga Zenya from Nitro+Chiral's BL horror game sweet pool!

I've known about sweet pool for quite a while, but it was only recently that I actually played it for myself. I was struck by how tragic and engaging Zenya's character is, and even a year after playing the game, he's still on my mind nigh constantly. Feel free to take a look around, and consider joining this fanlisting if he made as big of an impact on you as he did on me!

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This fanlisting was last updated on August 14th, 2024: 1 new member.
We currently have 7 members and 0 pending members!